Chasing the Light

I will always remember the first time I met Hanna, and the kindness she showed to my family. Specifically my three kids, and more so the girls. It was Ava and Zoey’s first year on the swim team. For those of you who do now know Ava and Zoey, they are my two daughters. Both girls had their very first swim meet. I believe Zoey was in Kindergarten and Ava was in First grade. Now, if anyone reading this has ever been a part of a swim team, I am sure you can look back at your first swim meet and remember the feelings that overwhelmed you. For my girls, it was a combination of anxiety and feeling nervous.

Ava and Zoey had no idea what to expect in their first race, and they were scared. Hanna, and two of her most amazing friends, Sarah and Carley, who were all about to enter High School, came to the rescue. I honestly cannot remember the order in which this happened, but all three girls got into the water and swam beside Ava, Zoey, and their friend Pheonix, for multiple races, until they reached the point in which they were confident to swim on their own. They guided them across the lane and to the finish. It brought me to tears witnessing such kindness and support.

From that moment, Ava, Zoey, and Pheonix shadowed the three girls at every swim meet. Hanna, Sarah, and Carley welcomed these youngsters with open arms and sweet smiles. They became big buddies, supporters, and role models. They would cheer each other on from the side of the pool as each girl was up for their races. It truly was an unforgettable experience. These memories will forever be a part of molding my girls and it left a lasting impression. Thank you, Hanna, for your love and kindness.

When Hanna reached out and asked me if I would photograph her Senior portraits I was so honored. We mapped out a plan in order to try and capture all the scenery she envisioned. Most know that the best time of day to shoot is in the hour leading up to sunset. Hanna had five locations she wanted to try and make work, and I wanted to do whatever it took to make sure we made it to all five locations. This was not an easy task. We were literally going to be chasing the light in order to make our goal. Luckily, the evening did not disappoint.

We started at Alviso Adobe in Pleasanton for a white fenceline and bridge. Next, we ventured to a local church where we quickly made the rounds through the rustic scenery that she wanted. Third, we raced to a local Vineyard. It was gorgeous. The lighting was perfect, but we were getting close to losing our light. Before we knew it, we were headed over to Sycamore Grove so we could have that “fall look” as all the trees are turning a beautiful orange color. Sadly, the park was closed due to fire danger, so we made it work out front of the park. It turned out to be incredibly beautiful. Lastly, we made our way to our final destination, which was the High School. I am happy to report that it all worked out exactly as planned.

It was an adventure. We had so much fun, and Hanna was amazing. Hanna’s mom joined us on this wild ride, and hopefully, I was able to bring to life a vision that both Hanna and her mom are able to cherish for the rest of their time. Graduating High School opens the doors to a whole new world. I know that Hanna will make an impact no matter where she chooses to go in life. She has already left her footprint on our family, in our hearts, and we are so grateful to have the memories you have given us. Thank you for trusting me during such a special time in your life.


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